Fire Safety Plans and Fire Safety Training are crucial in the continued safety of all employees in the case of a fire emergency. These steps can include safe exiting procedures, what to do if you are trapped, where to meet after leaving the building, where firefighting professionals can find site documents, and important contact information. These plans should be reviewed by everyone at a minimum of every 12 months to ensure all employees, supervisors, and managers are up to date on the proper emergency procedures. Below is an outline of the minimum requirements in a Fire Safety Plan. Please ensure you go through local bylaws, Provincial Requirements, and the National Fire Code (NFC).

Contact Information

The Fire Safety Plan lists important contact information for use in case of a fire emergency. Some people that must be included are the property owner and managers, 911 and emergency contacts, utility suppliers, and services for hazardous waste and spill response. 

Site Drawings

The Fire Safety Plan includes drawings of the property showing locations of fire protection systems for use by the occupants and firefighters. Site drawings must include a number of items, such as Fire Fighter Access Points, Fire Exits, The Annunciator, Fire Hydrants, Standpipes, The FF Box, Gas Shutoffs, and Mechanical Rooms.

Fire Department Access

The Fire Safety Plan must describe fire department access routes, and the fire protection resources on the property. These areas must be clean and free of any obstructions that may slow down the firefighting process. 

Emergency Procedures 

The emergency procedures cover a variety of situations, including what to do if you hear a fire alarm, what to do if you discover a fire, and what to do if you are unable to escape. There must also be a list of people who require assistance and the procedures for evacuating them.

Flammables and Combustibles

All flammable and combustible materials that are used, handled, processed, or stored on the property must be listed in the Fire Safety Plan. This list will include items such as the quantity of each material, the WHMIS Safety Data Sheets, storage locations and methods. This information will help firefighters take the appropriate precautions when responding to an emergency.

Control of Fire Hazards

The control of fire hazards is an essential part of the Fire Safety Plan. This section will outline the steps and procedures in place to monitor hazardous activities, established procedures for handling, storing, using and disposing of hazardous materials and fire hazards, how to use fire protection equipment, and the installed systems and structures to separate fire hazards from people.


The Fire Safety Plan must also describe the general training for workers, supervisory staff, and property owners who will be carrying out the plan. Workers are required to protect themselves and others, as well as understand and follow the Fire Safety Plan in case of an emergency. Depending on the jurisdiction, Occupational Health and Safety may require employers to develop a written Fire Safety Plan for the workplace, employers and supervisors are also required to ensure the workers are trained on proper emergency procedures. Property owners are controlled under the fire code and regulations, this includes having their Fire Safety Plan approved by the local fire department, the appointment and training of supervisors to carry out Fire Safety Plans, and ensuring the building is up to code. 

Fire Drills

Fire drills are required at least once every 12 months unless otherwise required. Fire drills help people prepare for an emergency, identify any issues that may arise, and make improvements to the existing plan that may present themselves.

Maintenance Requirements

The plan must also include a maintenance schedule to check, inspect, and test fire protection systems, equipment, and devices located on the property. A qualified person must perform each of these maintenance functions.

Published: December 22, 2020
Last Modified: January 4, 2021