Ontario Green Book - 2025 Edition

OH&S Act & Regulations Handbook

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2025 Version in Stock
Contents Updated to 2025
Dimensions: 7" x 4.5" x 1.75"
Shipping time: 2 - 3 Business Days
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Developed & Printed in Canada

"The Green Book" - Pocket Ontario OH&S Act and Regulations

The “Green Book” contains the complete and current Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations.

This handy and portable book is suitable for carrying with you or posting on bulletin boards and can help employers meet their obligation to post a copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) in the workplace. Also known as the “Green Book,” it contains the complete and current Ontario OHSA and regulations and includes drilled holes for easy posting.

This publication also features a comprehensive index with page references, a detailed Table of Contents and a list of OH&S information resources. This makes it ideal for quick and precise referencing when and where you need it. It is ideal for use in all organizations in Ontario governed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


  • Highlighted sections separating the OH&S Act and each major regulation with multiple indices for the Act and each major regulation for ease of use and suitable for training purposes.
  • The 2025 Edition of the Pocket Ontario OH&S Act & Regulations reflects all amendments gazetted up to 2025.
  • These amendments include Bill 190, updates to various definitions in the Act, changes to regulations regarding electronic posting of safety information, and updates regarding constructor and employer duties.
  • Authored, designed, and printed in Ontario.

Tabbed Sections

  1. Occupational Health and Safety Act
  2. Industrial Establishments
  3. Construction Projects
  4. Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
  5. Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents
  6. Confined Spaces
  7. Healthcare and Residential Facilities
  8. Other Regulations