Statement of Commitment

Worksite Safety is committed to meeting the requirements of the AODA and upholding the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity. Goods and services provided by Worksite, as well as employment policies and practices, will reflect these principles. It is our goal to work towards removing barriers and improving accessibility in all the provinces we serve.


This plan outlines the initiatives and action taken to improve accessibility, per the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. This plan will be reviewed and updated at least once every five years and currently covers the period from 2023 to 2028.


  1. Customer Service

    We are committed to maintaining compliance in Customer Service Standards with a goal to prevent barriers to accessibility. We have the following in place:

    • Where assistance related to a disability is requested, Worksite will make every reasonable effort to ensure the same value and quality of products and services are received.
    • Accessible feedback methods – all customers may submit and have their feedback responded to via phone, online chat, email, mail and, at some locations, in person. Communication support can also be provided upon request.
    • Alternative formats – Worksite offers both audio and visual-based formats for communication. Where requested, communication can be provided in alternate formats to optimize accessibility.

    We will continue to:

    • Develop processes to ensure that feedback formats are accessible to all persons with disabilities
    • Continually work to improve accessibility based on feedback received.
  2. Information and Communications

    In ensuring our content and communications are accessible to all, we have taken the following actions:

    • Website – web content substantially conforms with the guidelines of WCAG 2.1 AA and will continue to be improved to optimize accessibility and usability for all users.
    • In-class training – Content is delivered in multiple formats in the classroom to ensure all required content is engaging, accessible and understood. Alternative methods are available as needed.
    • Emergency Plans – where emergency information is made public (i.e., emergency exit plans), Worksite will provide appropriate communication support if requested.
  3. Employment

    Worksite is committed to providing a fair and accessible workplace and has the following in place:

    • Hiring and Employment – Every reasonable effort is made to ensure employees and potential employees have equal opportunity throughout the course of their experience with the Company.
    • Accommodations – Individual accommodation plans will be developed for any employee identified as having a disability to ensure that work practices, emergency preparedness and key information delivery have been developed to appropriately accommodate them.
    • Return to Work Plans –Where there is a disability-related return to work, policies and practices are in place to identify needs, develop a plan and assess the effectiveness of the return.
  4. Training

    Worksite is committed to providing training in Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it applies to people with disabilities. Employee training in this area includes:

    • Completing a course on accessibility and the requirements under the AODA
    • Reviewing Worksite accessibility policies and the appropriate practices that ensure equal access to our goods and services

    We will continue to:

    • Develop Worksite-specific training topics to ensure all employees understand how to best assist customers of varying abilities


We welcome and appreciate feedback on your experience with our goods and services as it relates to accessibility. Feedback can be provided by phone at 866 756 5552, online via chat, by email to [email protected], or by mail to:

Client Services

Worksite Safety

401-55 Head St

Dundas, ON L9H 3H8

Further Information

For more information on this accessibility plan, please contact:

Carol Classen, Director of People Operations

T: (866) 756 5552 | D: (647) 361 8515