Worksite’s team of consultants has compiled a list of required and recommended postings for a health and safety board in Ontario. While this list is fairly exhaustive, you should always remember that each workplace is unique, and the hazards faced in different environments can require the employer to provide different types of postings.
Let us know today if you’re looking for any help or guidance in setting up or maintaining your health and safety board.

We recommend these are collectively posted / placed on or near the Health and Safety Board:
Policy Statements
- Health and Safety Policy Statement
- Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy Statements
- Company rules
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Appropriate section regulation for your workplace
- Industrial Regulations (R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 851)
- Construction Regulations (O. Reg. 213/91)
- Healthcare and Residential Facilities Regulation (O. Reg. 67/93)
- Mine and Mining Plants Regulation (R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 854)
- WHMIS Regulation (O. Reg. 860)(if covered by WSIB)
- First Aid Requirements Regulation (O. Reg. 1101)
- Fatalities, Critical Injuries, Occupational Illnesses and Other Incidents (O. Reg. 420/21)
- Health and Safety Awareness and Training Regulation (O. Reg. 297)(not required)
- Names and contact of first aiders
- Name(s) of Health & Safety Representative (required at workplace w. 5-19 workers) and work location
- Name(s) of JHSC Members (required at workplaces w. 20+ workers) and work location
- Monthly Health and Safety Rep. / JHSC inspection
- Weekly superintendent inspection (Construction only)
- WSIB Form 82 (In Case of Injury 1,2,3,4)
- MOLTSD Fair at Work (not required)
- Health and Safety at Work – Prevention Starts Here
Other Postings
- Constructor’s name and head office information
- Registration of Construction / Employers Engaged in Construction – Form 1000
- MOLITSD orders
- MOLITSD notice of compliance
- MOLITSD-approved Notification Form for project
- Emergency Response Plan and contacts
- Fall Rescue Plan
- Nearest hospital, fire station, MOLTSD office and contact
- Location of washroom facilities
- First aid kit
- First aider certifications
- First aid logbook
- First aid inspection records
- Fire extinguisher w. tag for monthly inspection
- SDS binder