Do I need training to wear a safety harness?
The simple answer is yes, you require training to wear a safety harness.
The bigger questions are:
Why do I need to wear a safety harness?
Why is this training so important?
A safety harness is, by definition, a piece of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is used as part of a Personal Fall Protection System. It is designed to provide a means of connecting the wearer to the fall protection system, which is required to mitigate the hazards of working at heights.
The harness is designed to help in controlling the fall, should one occur. They also distribute the forces exerted in the fall, keep the wearer upright once the fall has been arrested, and to allow the wearer to perform work safely while at heights.
The answer to why training is so important is simple.
There is a need to make sure that wearers understand how to properly wear their harness.
Harnesses require adjustment to make sure they properly fit. They need to be donned (worn) properly and more importantly, they need to be inspected.
Though some harnesses may have a “universal” fit, not all harnesses fit the same way. Training by a professional will help the wearers understand how to properly adjust the equipment to ensure the proper fit.
Under The Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers are responsible for providing training to workers on the PPE they are required to wear, and workers are required to wear and use the PPE according to the training they were provided.
For more information on training requirements for Fall Protection in Alberta Click Here
For more information on training requirements for Working at Heights in Ontario Click Here